Ugly American

CRank: 5Score: 18310

While I think the fact that he got the game and is telling us about it is pretty cool, I don't really care about this kid's opinion. Any time someone says, "My mom brought it home..." it reminds me of the little fat kid across the street who wants to come over and show me his new copy of Gears of War and his World of Warcraft playing cards (true story).

So to sum up: Cool that he got the game, cool that he shared it, I could give two craps out his opinion.

6238d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

That the Japanese are the most racist people in the world. Sounds strange, but anybody who has spent any time in Japan will back me up on this.

6239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will probably get Singstar to entertain my friends and my wife. And the video DID get me excited for Warhawk. And I will be renting Heavenly Sword. But the rest of the games don't do a lot for me. I have never been a Ratchet and Clank guy. GT5 is nice and all, but I was bored with GT back on the original PS. I will keep my fingers cross that Uncharted changes my mind.

6239d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had to unignore you to see that you were talking to me, Larry.

I am not going to get into a Game List War with you, Larry. Because I have the same three games YOU do, and I am not playing them anymore. I have moved on to, and in a lot of cases better, new games. For instance, I am playing BioShock right now. Sure, it is on PC, but it is also on my 50 inch plasma. I love Gears of War, but I am not playing it right now either.

So, in the end, you and I ha...

6239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am looking forward to this game actually coming out and seeing what kind of reviews it gets. I was a big fan of KOTOR and Jade Empire, so I am interested to see what Bioware does here.

6239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Comma, coma, whatever... I pray that you go into a coma so that I do not have to see your asanine posts anymore...

Oh wait, I forgot there is an ignore button.

6239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got my 360 the day it launched, and I also got my PS3 the day it launched. The common argument seems to be that the 360 didn't have any games its first year just like the PS3 doesn't have any games in ITS first year. The difference is this: The 360 had some good games, but they weren't AAA titles. During the PS3's first year, they had almost the exact same titles that were on the 360. Except for Resistance and Motorstorm (the only good PS3 exclusive games), there wasn't anything I neede...

6239d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

That video was awesome. And while I am looking forward to Killzone 2, my interest is piqued with Haze, and COD 4 looks to kick reality in the ass, Halo 3 has these features that will just make it more absorbing and intriguing than these other shooters. One of the biggest reasons I play Halo 2 on my 360 more than any other multiplayer game is the matchmaking system. It isn't gameplay, but it makes for a better overall experience.

And now with Forge and the ability to save a...

6239d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How awesome was that?

6240d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kratos: You were just sniping people for being fanboys earlier in these posts. Now you go off of the handle calling somebody an Xbot, because they weren't that impressed with a demo? They even said that it was just their opinion. Welcome to extreme fanboyism, I suppose.

I think they are both great games and am already enjoying Bioshock and looking forward to Heavenly Sword.

6240d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How do you even figure this crap out? Go into the game and keep switching back and forth between the two screen formats? If somebody didn't tell me, I wouldn't have noticed. And in fact, I STILL don't notice. There is a good chance that I am mentally retarded.

6243d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

But will it hold a candle to Halo 3 is the REAL question...

6243d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was really excited about Lair when I first got my PS3. But looking at the video they showed, while pretty, looks really...really...boring. It really doesn't look like anything that new except for the controls. I would actually say the same thing about Uncharted. It also is very pretty, but doesn't look like anything new.
My hopes for the PS3 are Heavenly Sword and MGS4. The Blu-Ray player still sits there waiting for some good software. Ugh.

6244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Almost every piece of that sounded like every single PS3 fanboy comment I have seen. It started off sounding remotely unbiased...and uneducated, and like was said above, started poking at the 360.

Whatever. It will come out when it comes out.

6245d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

But it really is a sequel... see System Shock 2....

6247d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Think of all the interest they are still going to make on all of that pre-order money.

6247d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With all of these small updates taking 30 minutes to download and install, I cannot IMAGINE how long it will take to get this all on to the system. Yikes.

6249d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought the graphics were amazing. I will go back and play it again and let you know.

6249d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From the time I sent my two 360's in(two completely different problems), it was two weeks before they were back on my doorstep. I have heard nothing but good things from other people who have had to send theirs in.

This friend of a friend thing is getting a little old.

6250d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MrPirate...errr, excuse me, DrPirate, you didn't go to Dr. Pirating school for 6 years for nothing...
When I read reviews, I interpret the score and/or review as the OVERALL GAMING EXPERIENCE. If it is a 6, I will probably bang my head against the controller at some point. 9 or higher, I know that it will be a mind-blowing good time. That system has worked pretty well so far, and Gears of War IS a mind-blowing good time, and I still think the review was right on. What are reviews...

6250d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment